Vayu Aerial Yoga
Vayu Aerial Yoga is a practice that has been developed to create space mentally and physically, by opening up the body through various postures using our custom designed yoga swing. The Vayu Swing is a support system and tool used to facilitate and understand alignment while creating space within the body. Through specific articulation of movement we incorporate strength and the lengthening of the muscles isometrically to create core strength and balance.
The Vayu practice takes the body to a much deeper level. Using the support of the swing we are able to challenge the body moving through various postures, as well as allowing the nervous system to relax, encouraging a letting go into complete surrender. Inverting the body while suspended in the air not only provides many physical benefits such as spinal decompression, it also expands the mind by creating confidence, overcoming fear and allowing a change in the standard physical perception. We are able to explore this found freedom and awaken our inner child bringing a playful light energy to our hearts. It is truly the experience of a floating meditation.
We don’t always have Vayu Aerial Yoga classes running, but you can check on the booking page to make sure.
To learn more about Vayu Aerial Yoga, visit Ana Prada’s page: