Whatsapp Broadcast List
Whatsapp broadcasts allow you to send a message to hundreds of people at once, but they receive it as a personal message. That means you’re not in a group, so nobody else can see your number, or send messages of their own.
- To make it work:
- Add +353858661748 to your phone contacts, this is the IACC number (it won’t work if we’re not in your contacts)
- Send a whatsapp message to the IACC number with just your name – we’ll add you to our phone contacts (or it doesn’t work) and the broadcast list.
- You’ll receive a Whatsapp message when we have something to announce. We’ll start each message with a speaker emoji. No need to reply or our phone won’t stop buzzing!
- You have three options to stop receiving the texts – mute our notifications, delete our number from your contacts, or send us a quick message to unsubscribe.

Creative Intensive
The Creative Intensive is three weeks of training at the end of each year for professionals. It’s designed for aerialists who want to work on improving their technique and produce aerial acts, and also for dancers who want to get more aerial training and create an aerial dance solo. We offer contemporary dance classes, stretching, strength and conditioning, and aerial technique classes in rope, fabric, hoop and trapeze. We also offer rigging basics, creative labs, and one-to-one mentoring from the three tutors. Everything is geared towards creating a piece that’s shown to the public at the the end of the three weeks. Bursaries for Irish based artists available. Read more and apply
The Irish Aerial Creation Centre offers a number of residencies throughout the year. These are one week or two week opportunities to use the space and receive some funding towards accommodation, travel or hiring a mentor, depending on the residency. There’s also an open call for aerial companies to propose their own residency.
- Unlocked Residency
- Clear Sky Residency
- Level Up Residency
- Wild Card Residency
- International Exchange Residency (now Island Connect)
- New Horizons (IRIS)

Soar Up
Soar Up is a new pilot programme that will support dance artists who wish to build experience, up-skill and network in professional aerial dance in Ireland. Produced by the Irish Aerial Creation Centre (IACC) in partnership with Fidget Feet Aerial Dance Theatre. Soar Up is inspired by the highly successful Step Up Dance Project. We hope to build on this project in the coming years.
Workshops and Sharings
Throughout the year we offer several workshops. These are anywhere from one day to a week long, and in a variety of aerial disciplines, with international teachers. There are also various showings of works in progress. If you’d like to teach at the IACC or suggest someone you’d like to see here, please contact us
To check for the latest workshops, look at the bottom of the adult booking page.

Use the Space
The IACC is the first purpose-built aerial dance centre in Ireland. We have a black-box creative corner in the IACC, which you can book for €300 per day or €1500 per week. It is 8.5 meters high & 12 by 15 meters, and includes the use of the kitchen.
We offer membership for both professionals and (intermediate +) students who have demonstrated safety awareness, and an ability to share the space in a respectful manner. This allows artists from Limerick and elsewhere a space to develop and hone their craft while networking with their peers in a friendly atmosphere and at a reasonable cost. Students must receive instruction on the use of any equipment that they wish to use during Members Only Training, and must sign a Members Only Open Studio Waiver. For open training hours see here.
- €5 daily pass
- €20 monthly pass
- €50 3-month pass
- €100 yearly pass