Unlocked Residency
There are several national unlocked residencies available from March to mid-November 2025 (the space is shared). Each residency is suitable for Irish-born/based artists/companies and includes free use of the IACC and funding. This funding can be used for any residency-related expenses, including travel, accommodation, supplies, or a mentor or other collaborator. You will need to manage your own expenses and budget. Priority will be given to proposals that explain clearly how the residency would impact the artist’s/company’s practice and the Irish circus community.
The Unlocked Residency now comes in two formats:
- Unlocked: This is our normal residency (€1500-1800) with space for one week. (4 available)
- Unlocked Plus 10th Anniversary: This residency (€5000) is for 2-3 weeks of work for artists with bigger plans. (1 available) This is the largest residency we have ever awarded to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
Please submit a one-page proposal outlining what you’d like to achieve in the residency, which dates suit you best (one to two weeks), and who your chosen mentor/coach/director is if applicable. Please also include a CV and link to online examples of your work. You may describe in your application how you would adapt to either budget. Application deadline : Tuesday 11th March 2025. Successful companies will be notified by Friday 21st March. Funded by the Arts Council.

Level Up Residency
This residency is to address the changing needs in the Irish aerial dance community. It’s a throwback to the early days of the IACC where groups would band together and hire an artist to help them upskill. With the Unlocked Residency being awarded to professionals, we didn’t want emerging artists to be left behind.
This residency is for an Irish-based group to bring in an international or experienced teacher/mentor for a week. It’s available from March to November (space may be shared at times). This residency is suitable for Irish-based artists and includes: free use of the IACC and funding. This funding is primarily for paying a teacher/mentor and all of their expenses, with any remainder to be used for group expenses. Priority will be given to proposals that explain clearly how the residency would impact the artists’ practice and the Irish circus community.
There will be two Level Up Residencies:
- Level Up – €2500 funding
- Level Up Plus – €3500 funding
There are no restrictions on what you can propose, as long as the spirit of the application is that a group of people receive training in the IACC. You may also propose two variations within one application, by including a budget for each funding stream. The mentor/coach etc. can be Irish-based or international, but for the Plus version we would definitely expect an international teacher.
Ideally the mentor/coach might also offer a public workshop while in the IACC. They would receive a split of this income.
Please submit a one-page proposal outlining what you’d like to achieve in the residency, which dates suit you best (one week), and who your chosen mentor/coach/teacher is. Please also include their CV and link to online examples of their work, as well as a proposed list of group participants. IACC may suggest or advertise for additional participants. Application deadline : Tuesday 11th March 2025. Successful companies will be notified Friday 21st March. Funded by the Arts Council.
Wild Card Residency
The Wild Card Residency is for any individual or organisation that has not been successful in finding other financial support for any stage of their creative process, whether they propose research & development or creation of a new contemporary circus work. There’s no funding, but free use of the space (which may be shared depending on dates). “Any idea is a good idea.”
Residency between January and Mid-November 2025. Applicants should generally apply for Unlocked before applying for Wild Card.
The Wild Card Residency is also suitable for international artists who have received funding for travel / accommodation and are looking for a place to do an international residency.

Island Connect
The IACC is now a full partner in the Island Connect project. A collaboration between seven organisations with creation spaces on islands in Europe. Open Calls take place in December 2023, 2024 and 2025.
To read more of the Creative Europe funded project, visit the Island Connect website.
Clear Sky Residency
The Clear Sky Residency is now retired. Historically, the Clear Sky residency was a way to bring international artists to Ireland so that they could run a workshop while they did their residency. This was a way to upskill Irish-based artists at a time when aerial dance was still underdeveloped in Ireland. Aerial Dance has come a long way since we opened in 2015, and we now feel that we need to redirect these funds to supporting Irish-based artists.
We still welcome International artists to the centre through our Island Connect Project, and our New Horizons residency scheme. International artists are also welcome to apply for Wild Card residencies.